Rise and shine!!! Take a look into my Wellness Morning Routine☀️🌅

1. My wake time is anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 AM depending on the day.

I'm a projector (Human Design), which means I require the most rest out of all energy types. This has always rang true to me. My mom said as a baby I slept the first 3 years of my life. Lol she basically had to wake me up to feed me. As an adult, I struggled to think something was wrong with me that I required 8-10 hours of sleep a night & frustrated with myself that I wasn't an early bird...Then, I discovered Human Design and it was the ultimate permission slip to embrace my sleepy side. I don't need to wake up at 6 AM to be successful. Not to mention, doing readings requires A LOT of energy. I need to be rested so that I can show up as my best self for my clients, my family, and you guys! Do you know your Human Design? If not found out here. What's your optimal wake-up?

2. Tongue Scraper:

I literally cannot function if I don't have my tongue scraper. In Ayurveda, tongue scraping is considered an important part of daily self-care and hygiene. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India and emphasizes a holistic approach to health and well-being. According to Ayurvedic principles, the tongue is seen as a reflection of the body's internal state, and tongue scraping is believed to have several benefits based on these principles:

  • Removal of Toxins (Ama): Ayurveda suggests that the tongue is a mirror of the digestive system, and the accumulation of toxins (referred to as "ama") on the tongue can be an indicator of impaired digestion and overall health. Tongue scraping is believed to help remove this ama, preventing its reabsorption into the body and promoting better digestion.

  • Stimulation of Agni (Digestive Fire): Agni is the digestive fire in Ayurveda, responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. A clean tongue is thought to indicate balanced agni, while a coated tongue may indicate sluggish digestion. Tongue scraping is believed to stimulate and support proper digestion.

basically JUST DO IT! Trust me!!!

3. Coconut oil pulling:

(I do this while I make my bed and tidy up my space - anywhere from 10-15 minutes)

Oil pulling is another traditional practice rooted in Ayurveda that involves swishing oil, typically coconut or sesame oil, in the mouth for a certain period of time, usually around 15-20 minutes, and then spitting it out. This practice is believed to have a range of benefits according to Ayurvedic principles:

  • Oral Health: Oil pulling is thought to remove bacteria, toxins, and debris from the mouth and gums. It's believed that swishing the oil around can help pull out harmful microorganisms responsible for bad breath, plaque formation, and other oral health issues.

  • Detoxification: Ayurveda places a significant emphasis on removing toxins from the body to maintain overall health. Oil pulling is believed to help detoxify the body by drawing toxins out, and it is believed to help overall digestion in the body.

4. Make bed:

I never miss a day. There's a lot of science behind why this is important to do at the start of your day, but mostly it makes my space feel tidy, which is essential to a happy, healthy, productive AG : )

5. Get water with minerals/ salt:

I live in Florida. It's hot and I'm super active so replenishing is crucial. My go-to AM cocktail is LMNT packet and Cymbiotika vitamin c pack. ELITE (I add a splash of OJ or coconut water for adrenal support and it's yummy).

6. Facial oil & massage:

I have decided to stop getting Botox. I didn't like how it was looking anymore so I quit. Now I focus on making my facial massage a very loving practice and now that I've reduced inflammation in my face - I don't even need Botox??? this is the magic combo. Living Libations Oil cleaners and then I use castor oil on my eyelids - it's reduced my hood lids and inflammation around my eyes. I also recommend using filtered water when your doing your facial routine. I love the Bluevua filter from Amazon. Along with growing my eyelashes (I also like Babe Lash Growth Serum)

7. Get outside in the sunshine:

I crave the sunshine and it helps regulate our internal clocks and creates a natural flow of energy - especially since I don't do caffeine anymore!

Check out my Caffeine Free + Coffee Free Pumpkin Drink Recipe

8. Meditate:

DUH! every. single. day anywhere from 20-45 minutes depending on the day! I love Superhuman App - I do guided sometimes or the music - I also love the walking meditations. CODE AG10 for six weeks free.

9. Energetic Protection:

This is crucial for the energy work I do and it's crucial for you if you are feeling drained by other people. Check out my energetic protection courses here.

10. Gym & movement for ENERGY!

I work out to feel good and I realized I craved it for mental clarity once I kicked caffeine. Check out my favorite Amazon workout outfits here.

11. A reminder to have a beautiful day. bc it's a gift that we are alive today!

For more details check out my AM Routine podcast

xoxo love you,

Professor AG


